Estimación de conjuntos en esferas

We provide an R tool for nonparametric plug-in estimation of Highest Density Regions (HDRs) in the directional setting. Concretely, circular and spherical regions can be reconstructed from a data sample following Saavedra-Nieves and Crujeiras (2020) <arXiv:2009.08915>. This library also contains two real datasets in the circular and spherical settings. The first one concerns a problem from animal orientation studies and the second one is related to earthquakes occurrences.

Researchers: Rosa Crujeiras Casais ()Paula Saavedra Nieves

Aquí se incluyen un conjunto de funciones que permiten realizar cálculos matemáticos (calculadora, derivación, integración, ecuaciones diferenciales, sistemas de ecuaciones diferenciales por métodos analíticos y numéricos etc.), estadísticos (test de hipotesis, test de normalidad, intervalos de confianza y de tolerancia, calculos de k(P/p), etc), ajustes de curvas, representaciones gráficas en 2D y 3D, optimización lineal y no lineal y más cosas. Si necesitas realizar cálculos que no se puedan realizar con las herramientas habituales puedes proponer que se incluyan aquí. Observa que una de las grandes ventajas es que estos estarán disponibles desde cualquier ordenador que esté conectado a Internet.

Researchers: José Guillermo Sánchez León ()

Detección de modas

Different examples and methods for testing (including different proposals described in Ameijeiras-Alonso et al., 2019 <doi:10.1007/s11749-018-0611-5>) and exploring (including the mode tree, mode forest and SiZer) the number of modes using nonparametric techniques <doi:10.18637/jss.v097.i09>.

Researchers: Rosa Crujeiras Casais ()Jose Ameijeiras AlonsoAlberto Rodríguez Casal

Inferencia sobre datos circulares

Researchers: Rosa Crujeiras Casais ()María OliveiraAlberto Rodríguez Casal

Incorporación de covariables dentro del análisis ROC desde una perspectiva no paramétrica.

Researchers: María Xosé Rodríguez Álvarez (Galicia)Javier Roca Pardiñas () (npnpROCRegression)

Computing optimal cutpoints in diagnostic tests.

Researchers: Mónica López Ratón ()María Xosé Rodríguez Álvarez (Galicia)

Multivariate analysis with application to biomedicine

ORdensity gives the user the list of genes identified as differentially expressed genes in an easy and comprehensible way. The experimentation carried out in an off-the-self computer with the parallel execution enabled shows an improvement in run-time. This implementation may also lead to an important use of memory load. Results previously obtained with simulated and real data indicated that the procedure implemented in the package is robust and suitable for differentially expressed genes identification.

Researchers: Concepción Arenas Sola (Catalunya – BIO)José María Martínez-OtzetaItziar IrigoienBasilio Sierra

p3state.msm provides functions for estimating semi-parametric regression models but also to implement nonparametric estimators for the transition probabilities. The methods can also be used in progressive three-state models. In progressive three-state models, estimators for other quantities such as the bivariate distribution function (for the sequentially ordered events) are also given.

Researchers: (p3state.msm)Javier Roca Pardiñas ()

Multiple testing

This package implements seven different methods for multiple testing problems. The Benjamini and Hochberg (1995) false discovery rate controlling procedure and its modification for dependent tests Benjamini and Yekutieli (2001), the method called Binomial SGoF proposed in Carvajal Rodríguez et al. (2009) and its conservative and bayesian versions called Conservative SGoF (de Uña Álvarez, 2011) and Bayesian SGoF (Castro Conde and de Uña Álvarez, 2013 13/06), respectively, and the BB-SGoF (Beta-Binomial SGoF, de Uña Álvarez, 2012) and Discrete SGoF (Castro Conde et al., 2015) procedures which are adaptations of SGoF method for possibly correlated tests and for discrete tests, respectively. Number of rejections, FDR and adjusted p-values are computed among other things.

Researchers: (sgof)Jacobo de Uña Álvarez ()


This is a collection of programs to illustrate themes in teaching statistics, such as the central limit theorem, confidence intervals, bootstrapping, nonparametric statistics

Researchers: Michael J. Campbell (Statistics at Square One)

Librería para el package estadístico R, llamado TPmsm, para la obtención de estimaciones paramétricas y semiparamétricas de las  probabilidades de transición en modelos de multiestado com tres estados.

Researchers: (TPmsm)