Design of clinical trials and experiments

Diseño Óptimo de Experimentos

Cálculo de Diseños Óptimos para la ecuación de Antoine

Researchers: Carlos de la Calle Arroyo ()Jesús López Fidalgo ()Licesio J. Rodríguez Aragón ()

CompARE is a free online platform to help investigators to design randomized clinical trials with composite endpoint. Following features are available:

  • Choose the primary endpoint
  • Evaluate the gain in efficiency of using a primary composite endpoint either in the context of time-to-event or binary outcome.
  • Obtain the sample size for a composite endpoint based on the information on its components and the correlation between them.
  • Obtain the sample size of an study using a single endpoint.
  • Get helpful numerical and intuitive graphical results.
Researchers: Guadalupe Gómez Melis (Catalunya – BIO)Marta Bofill Roig (Catalunya – BIO)Jordi Cortés Martínez (Catalunya – BIO)Moisés Gómez Mateu (CompARE)

Clinical trial designs with composite endpoints

R package to calculate the required sample size in randomized clinical trials with composite endpoints. This package also includes functions to calculate the probability of observing the composite endpoint and the expected effect on the composite endpoint, among others.

Researchers: Marta Bofill Roig (Catalunya – BIO)Jordi Cortés Martínez (Catalunya – BIO)Guadalupe Gómez Melis (Catalunya – BIO)

This section is devoted to the Optimal Design of Experiments subject. From general algorithms for computing optimal designs in an iterative process to adaptations for gaining in efficiency (computing time) for particular cases, including Elfving’s method for c-optimality, optimal designs for very popular models, etc. Of course, the main advantage is that they will be avaliable for any user through Internet.

Researchers: Juan Manuel Rodríguez Díaz ()

Design of phase III trials with long-term survival outcomes based on short-term binary results

Sample size and effect size calculations for survival endpoints based on mixture survival-by-response model

Researchers: Marta Bofill Roig (Catalunya – BIO)Guadalupe Gómez Melis (Catalunya – BIO)Yu Shen